Grade 4 Performance Tasks

Students will be presented with a data chart and asked to demonstrate understanding of the concepts involved in multiplication and division. Students must be able to recognize and use the factors of a given quantity and determine a product and a quotient. Lastly, students will be asked to create a solution for a customer needing to place an order with certain criteria.

Source: Mathematics Assessment Resource Service (MARS)

Students will analyze a graph of favorite donut flavors to answer questions. Students must determine the amount of donuts a girl should bring to her party and explain why not all friends will get their favorite donut. Then students will be given additional information and asked to explain how this information could result in everyone getting a favorite donut.

Source: Mathematics Assessment Resource Service (MARS)

Students will demonstrate the concept of measuring area and perimeter and they must show understanding of the different between the two. Students will need to demonstrate that while area remains the same, the perimeter can change, and that when perimeter stays the same, the area can change.

Source: Mathematics Assessment Resource Service (MARS)

Students will use a pattern of squares and circles to extend a design and answer questions about the number of each in relationship to the other. Students will show understanding using words and/or numbers.

Source: Mathematics Assessment Resource Service (MARS)

Students will demonstrate knowledge of fractions by answering questions about painting a room in a house.  Students must add and subtract fractions with like denominators and show explanations of thinking. Lastly, students must come up with a painting design that follows given criteria, which includes using knowledge of subtracting fractions.

Source: SMc Curriculum

Students must use their knowledge and understanding of representing numbers and fractions and their ability to use models, benchmarks, and equivalent forms of fractions to add fractions with unlike denominators.  Students must be able to apply their understanding of the concept of one whole when trying to combine fractions.

Source: Mathematics Assessment Resource Service (MARS)