New K-2 Supports (Part 1 of 2)

K-2 teachers, we have heard your requests for resources and supports designed just for primary students; the recent updates to our website,, are just what you have been waiting for! As we designed these new sections, we were focused on building number sense in your students. We know the foundation of math success is a strong number sense so we wanted to provide you with activities and games that help build that mathematical understanding in your students. This post highlights just two of the new tabs under K-2 Supports that offer you new and ready-to-use resources.



Head over to Activities for our newest creation, Number Maps. These are perfect warm-up or early-finisher activities. Students use the patterns they understand in the 100s chart to fill in the blanks. Not only does this stretch special awareness, but also gives students a chance to develop skills in Math Practice #7: Look for and make use of structure.

Four corners is an SMc favorite for grades 3-12. This version is best for Kindergarten. Teachers can choose from the 0-9 or the teen number version. Place the number in the center, and have students show that number in four different ways.

DecaDeck and DecaDominoes are partner games that help students see numbers in various ways. This ability to visualize numbers gives students practice mentally “seeing” combinations of numbers to 10, the foundation of mental math.

The Deca Deck can be used many ways, but one of our favorites is the traditional card game of “War”. That turns the recognition of various ways to see numbers into a competitive, high-paced speed race.

Head over to Activities to see these additions and more!


Our Fluency tab currently houses all of our BUMP games- and this isn’t your Pinterest BUMP. In our version, students don’t “lock” squares (leading to a shorter game), instead, they capture their opponent’s pieces and keep track of them in a 10-frame, once again re-emphasizing combinations to 10 as a foundation of mental math.

If you haven’t used BUMP with your students before, it is a popular game easily adaptable to various levels of challenge. Head over to our Instructions page to see different ways to play!